Friday, April 9, 2010

Good Ways To Make Money For Kids

There are many good ways to make money for kids and depending on the age of the child, some of them are very lucrative. Before deciding how this can be done, one must take into account age appropriate activities. Selling Lemonade for an elementary school child can not only tickle a young business acumen but bring a profit that is elementary size. There are also avenues for children to earn cash if a bit older. Very often companies will sponsor a fundraiser with items to be sold with a hefty profit going to the child. 

School activities and scout groups often have bake sales or the such as good ways to make money for kids. How many of us have not been able to say no to that youngster at our door selling overpriced candy bars? Selling is usually the quickest and easiest way to earn a profit. If a child is going to venture into selling, profits can usually be maximized if started with a list of everyone known to target for their get rich quick enterprise. The fact that the parents often end up buying up most of the merchandise the children are selling is besides the point. After all, this may be their first business experience. 

High school kids are often recruited into selling merchandise to get finances for band uniforms or perhaps choir robes for their church. These must be great ways to make money for children as they have been doing it for years. Selling candy is probably the quickest way to raise revenue as more often than not, the children even purchase these things from each other. The epitome of sales like this is something everyone has had experience with, those young scouts with the cookies. 

Car washes done by children are also a big hit as the only cost to the children is a bit of soap and some elbow grease. No cash needs to be put up front, making it one of the great ways to make money for kids. Tapping into a child's creativity gives an added bonus, as this may well be beginning of them using their heads and can often, can come up with unique, good ways to make money for children. With some adult assistance they can come up with a craft or activity that they can do and sell. Finding great ways to make money for kids can be also help a family work together and produce some invaluable memories. Encourage them in their passions and help them develop what may one day be a great business mind. 

A higher functioning child could look into tutoring other students. Finally, good ways to make money for kids can be any type of job that they may be able to do. A twelve or thirteen year old can earn some cash babysitting for younger children. This also helps give them the responsibility of having a job, but allows this work to be monitored. If the term of employment is to be lengthy, encouragement to get a job that they love so may prevent an early retirement. Another beneficial lesson, aside from just participating in good ways to make money for children. After exploring all of these great ways to get some cash, then children can be encouraged to save the earnings for something necessary. One of the greatest mistakes that children make is spending all the money as soon as they get it. This is an amazing opportunity for them to get a savings account and start thinking about the future. Assure that kids are wise and responsible when they choose to get a job or try to make money. "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out." (Romans 11:33)

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